Monday, November 15, 2010


The past few treatments have been rather difficult. The 7th, 8th, 9th and 12th were all very, very hard days for me. I had a lot of nausea and dry heaving. In fact, on the 8th before I even got into the hospital (just thinking about Chemo) made me gag into the grass but have nothing that came of it, except a more sick feeling and a feeling of wanting to turn around and walk back to the car.

But you can't do that with cancer. You can't hand it off to someone else until you get your strength up. You can't ask the chemo to stop pummeling you for one second while you live a normal day. There's no one to yell at, no one to blame, no proxy stand-in to tag team it with you. I am realizing it's one of the most absolute commitments that i'll make during this life (with no clause) until i'm in recovery. (note: I don't mean it to sound that my faith, or my wife are not absolute commitments in my life, it's just with cancer there is no letting up even for a minute. You are literally forced to keep going, there is only one morbid alternative. There isn't anything else that i have been able to think of that compares to that in life.)

I don't mean to be a downer. It's just when it comes to nausea I just want to curl into the fetal position and let it pass, quitting everything that i am doing. It's also to the point where i am jealous of healthy people. I know, it seems really silly! It's just getting harder to straight-cope with everything.

Luckily I have good Doctors that care about how i am feeling. I had an appointment yesterday with my Oncologists PA and she told me the Infusion Center told her all the days i was feeling nauseous. She begged me to call her when I get that way. There are still options we haven't explored. She prescribed me a patch that goes behind my ear for nausea, a pill for indigestion and another fail-safe for indigestion: Mylanta. Which by the way, tastes like one of my chemos, it's nooooott pleasant, but it works really well. I am hoping that these things will work, even though as I look inside myself to see how my body feels right now, I think by the 26th (the start of my last cycle) I don't think my gag reflex will be settled.

I can compare it to this: Have you ever overeaten to where you're physically uncomfortable? You just want to sit and rest and let it pass. After a couple hours the feeling of uncomfortably full passes. So you eat maybe... a banana -- immediately you're back where you started, at the threshold you were 2 long hours ago.

Only for me it has to do with feeling sick. I go through the chemo cycle and at the end I want to sit and let the feeling pass. After a week of feeling sick, it passes. Then a week later is when I "eat the banana" only at the beginning of my treatment I was digressing like honey coming out of the bottle on a cold day. Now it seems like a bullet train.

I mentioned before I don't want to be a downer. I really do have a silver lining to this post. I had talked to my wife for a couple of hours about my treatments and I told her about all these internal conflicts I was having about the treatments. After we finished our talk I felt so much more energized and happy.

I realized that these prescriptions and the doctors that I have are here to help me. They've helped people through this many, many times. Some times I am just too much of a trooper when it comes to medical care, because I am not used to being sick. Also I get the stubbornness (in a good way) from my Mom. It's hard for us to let other people take care of us, we'd rather save the world, while we're sick so the spotlight doesn't get shown on us too long.

There is something to be said for submission though. I believe it is in those times that we are able to grow the most because we know we aren't in control. That is what has driven me crazy about this whole process, I haven't been in control of anything! It's a hard pill to swallow, but i think we all have to give up the reigns to not stay on a narrow path. That's what i'm going to start doing -- I'm a late bloomer. heh

Wednesday or Thursday I am going to start wearing the patch to prepare for my bleo session on Friday. They also suggested I take a nausea pill on the ride there and on the ride home. That seems very reasonable and it also seems like it will help a lot. We'll see how it goes on friday. I'm also wondering if chemo on a half-full stomach would be my best bet too, or if i should eat several hours before my appointment. I can't imagine an empty stomach would be a good idea and i've already found what happens with a full one. So its going to be a little bit of trial and error this week.

I get better at keeping everyone updated. Once again, I don't mean to complain, but the down parts of the this past week were necessary to bring me to where i am at now.

Thursday, November 4, 2010

Hair Loss and Head Shave

Saturday, October 30th, 2010

I haven't updated the blog in a while and I forgot to put this in when I was going through and updating today, so forgive it being out of order. I'll post some captions too. My sister Jen shaved my head while Amanda showed my Mom baby pictures and Rhiannon helped change the water. So everyone had a part, so-to-speak.

My sister Jen with the clippers.

My brother Randy was in the bathroom so we had to use a trash bag instead of a sheet.

I was sooo happy to get this hair off of my head by this point. It was coming out in clumps and in doing so all over my clothes and my bed too. I was happy to finally get it shaved off.

Jen Preparing to bic the hair off of my head.

I was touching up some spots she had missed. We're both perfectionists so she wasn't offended.

The finished product! No more hair on my pillow or the shower.

Day 24

Wednesday, November 3, 2010

I don't know if i am counting the days right. I figure the count goes on even when I don't get treated.

Today I took my sister Amanda to Chemo with me. When they tapped my port it took them one time. Then they drew blood. Amanda and I joked and talked as the blood was being analyzed.

When finally the blood came back. My overall white blood count had gone from 300 on monday to 500 today. So that's optimistic. However, they want it at 1000. So no chemo today either. They decided to give me a shot of Neupogen. Neupogen is a drug that stimulates the growth of white blood cells in bone marrow. It affects the flat bones: scapula, pelvis, sternum, etc. They suggested that I get some Claritin for the aches that it will cause.

I think Amanda was a little stunned by the whole situation, it made it less of a blog at that point and more of a reality. Though i'm sure it would do that for anyone.

Tuesday - November 2, 2010

I went in to see Doctor Quaid again today. He took out the remaining two stitches. I mentioned that my white blood counts were too low for treatment the day before. He said that my incision was taking longer to heal due to less than ideal conditions. I took this to mean that I didn't have the immune system to make my wounds heal as quickly as he'd like -- heck, as quickly as I would like!

After that he sent me on my way with a Band-Aide and a extra one to use. I was optimistic about the incision healing.

I mentioned to Rhiannon that Doctor Quaid is the only doctor that I really like to see. He's just got a very mild-mannered demeanor. He's cool.

Day 22

Monday - November 1, 2010

I went with my Mom to get chemo today at 6:30 in the morning for a 7 am appointment. She had the day off because of some procedures she had to get done.

The nurse that was supposed to be tapping my port was having an off-day I think. Although, that is not the person you want to have an off-day.

The first time she tried it hurt really bad. I didn't want to taste the salene so i held my breath. I thought i was just being a wuss and hadnt had my port tapped in a while. So when she asked if it was in i said "yes." and she started flushing with salene. When she did that it started to come out of my incision, which i didn't particularly like. I expressed that concern and she mentioned that the salene is sterile and it shouldn't affect my healing. She explained that when she tried to tap it the port must have moved on her.

The second time she tried it felt like she got in, but she must have got just in the edge cuz there was no blood return and no push, the salene wasn't going anywhere.

The third attempt they tried another nurse. It is this Chinese nurse that works there. She's been there a long time. She held the port firmly in place as another nurse sprayed Freezy stuff on my port to numb the location. She plunged the needle in and vola, it was finally tapped. They took a blood sample and i fell asleep.

When I woke up the nurse came up to me shaking her head. She said that my white blood count was too low for treatment today. She said we'd try again Wednesday.

When they untapped the port it bled a lot due to the target practice from earlier.

Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Doctor Quaid examined me today and decided he was going to take 3 of the 5 stitches out. I suppose this made me nervous because I wanted it to be entirely healed up before he took the stitches out. Although, i realize at the same time you cant leave external stitches in for a long period of time (says the nurse that i tentatively believed at the oncology place). I think of it more in terms of it is acting as support for my incision.

Either way, that is neither here nor there. I got 3 of the 5 stitches out. and he told me to come back in a week. He was really liking the progress of my incision healing.

Day 15

Monday - October 25, 2010

My incision is looking a lot better with the stitches. It is starting to close up and I'm really happy that I wont have to get another surgery.

The Bleomycin treatment went well today. There were no major hiccups to report. I was just very vocal about how the nurses needed to be careful of my incision. I wonder if they start to stress out when i walk into the infusion center?

I just keep putting triple antibiotic on the incision and Band-Aids over top of it. That seems to work out well.