Thursday, September 23, 2010

Thursday, September 23, 2010

I talked to a very close family friend last night who has survived cancer. When she went in for Chemo each shot cost 3000$ and every radiation treatment cost 850$. She informed me that it would be the Chemo that would make my hair fall out. The radiation would give me the equivalent of a really bad sunburn and Aloe would help. I hope that I don't have to do radiation treatments.

The Chemo will kill bad cells as well as good cells. So I will need to talk to the Oncologist about whether or not I should be banking any sperm. A family member said that Lance Armstrong did, but it's unclear whether or not the two children he had after his treatments were because of banking his sperm or because he was still fertile afterward. That will be a conversation saved for the Oncologist.

My Surgeon/Urologist referred me to 4 different Oncologists. When I called that Office (they're all based out of the same location) I found out that they do not do self-pay. So they referred me to a doctor that does. I called the office of Doctor Sorensen. His secretary said that they were pretty booked and that they would find a doctor to squeeze me in with, she'd call me back. She was very helpful. It was about a half an hour later that I got a call back from her. She said that they had an appointment for me on Thursday, September 30th at 10:40am with another doctor.

I have to say that I am a little bit apprehensive about meeting an Oncologist so long after my surgery. I have began to catch the urgency of cancer and that you need to take care of it quickly, but an appointment is an appointment.

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