Although, staging cancer is not that simple. There are 3 types of tells that Oncologists look to, and those are: Tumor, Nodes and Metastasis. Then if the cancer is Seminoma or Non-Seminoma. I have Non-Seminoma.
In my blood test they explained that most of my tumor markers were pretty normal except one which was the one that i mentioned earlier that is 2222 instead of the normal <.07 mark. They also found out my Calcium was low, I guess i should drink more milk, ey?
They examined my stomach CT Scan and they found a small Node on the bottom of my lung area. So tomorrow i am getting another CT Scan to determine if the cancer has spread to my chest at all. As it is right now the staging is not complete, so when the Doctor told me that I had Stage 3 cancer yesterday it was pretty much a best guess. The oncologist said, "all the facts aren't in, but i would say you have stage 2." which means roughly 3 chemo treatments. Each Chemo treatment would go on (I think) everyday for a month, stopping short of the last week of that month to give me a break. It is either that or it's a week on and a week off, she wasn't really clear about it. Then as soon as I start feeling better, after being off it for a week, it'll start all over again. That is considered one treatment. So this will roughly go on for 3 months if i am receiving it well. If not they'll give me another treatment.
One of the other things that is up in the air is a Retroperitoneal Lymph Node Dissection (RPLND). This is a lot of big words meaning my Lymph Nodes are swollen in my abdomen, and they don't know why, so they're gonna remove my abdominal Lymph Nodes to find out more information about the cancer. This is a procedure they'll put me under for and at the same time I'm under they'll put my port in. The reason they're up in the air about it is because the Oncologist i went to today wants to do it before chemo, but she said to see what the doctor at UCH says. This leads me to believe that it must not be a sure thing.
All I know is I am just barely able to stand up on my own without pain, sneeze, cough and feel normal without pain in my incision. Then they're gonna give me two more incisions in my abdomen! Hah, oh well, it's for a good reason. She told me that i'll need to let myself feel lazy in these upcoming months. So i guess i'll have to give into the idea.
Before I left I had blood drawn so they could check my tumor markers and other things Post-Op. I have a CT Scan tomorrow; UCH monday; something Wednesday and a follow-up in 3 weeks. Having cancer sure requires a lot of time, I don't know how those people do it who work while going through Chemo!
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